Sunday, December 14, 2008

i like this disease

I pulled this from here

Joy to the world is contagious: study

Last Updated: Thursday, December 4, 2008 | 7:32 PM ET

Happiness is contagious, and the more people you know who are full of good cheer, the more likely it is that you're also happy, a study of our social connections suggests.

In Thursday's online issue of the British Medical Journal, researchers analyzed data from more than 4,700 participants in Framingham, Mass., who took part in a heart study from 1983 to 2003.

The research trove included information on births, marriages, death, divorces and contact information of close friends, co-workers and neighbours of the volunteers, allowing Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, and his colleagues to assess happiness.

"What we are dealing with is an emotional stampede," Christakis said.

"Whether you're happy depends not just on your own actions and behaviours and thoughts, but on those of people you don't even know."

Happiness was assessed based on scores for four statements:

  • "I feel hopeful about the future."
  • "I am happy."
  • "I enjoy life."
  • "I feel that I am just as good as other people."

The 60 per cent of people who gave high scores to all four statements were rated as happy, and the rest as unhappy.

Happy and unhappy clusters were found that were significantly bigger than would be expected by chance alone, said the researchers, who previously reported that obesity and smoking habits are also spread socially as well.

Joy clusters

Happiness extended to three degrees of separation, from friends to friends of friends, said study co-author James Fowler, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego.

If a social contact such as spouse, sibling or friend was happy, it increased the likelihood that you were happy by 15 per cent, Fowler said.

"The pursuit of happiness is not a solitary goal," Fowler said. "We are connected, and so is our joy."

Christakis likened it to sitting on a quilt of humanity, with each person sitting on a different-coloured patch that is connected to the next one.

"Imagine that these patches are happy and unhappy patches. Your happiness depends on what is going on in the patch around you," Christakis said.

"It is not just happy people connecting with happy people, which they do. Above and beyond, there is this contagious process going on."

Each happy friend boosts your own happiness by nine per cent, the researchers suggest. On the other hand, having grumpy friends decreased the chances by about seven per cent.

As for why, happiness is known to produce fewer stress hormones, said Andrew Steptoe, a professor of psychology at University College London who was not involved in the study.

The study was conducted before the rise of online social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace, but Christakis speculated the sites might support emotional contagion.

The researchers are also looking at the spread of depression, loneliness and drinking behaviour.

With files from Associated Press, Reuter

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

airport security?

this story is one of my own.

steve and i recently went on a trip with friends to washington, d.c. on the way home, we accidentally left a leatherman in steve's camera case. we remembered when the bag was stuck in the x-ray machine.

the security guard was really nice and wasn't mad at us for having a knife in security. we asked him if there were any options for mailing it back to utah, since it would be about $90 to replace. he said there were some machines that might work. steve went with the guard. he called and said that the machines wouldn't work. so, he decided to take a risk on someone being nice. he found someone at the information desk and gave them some money and the leatherman and asked him to mail it to us.

well, of course we know that person didn't have to mail it, but about 2 weeks later, we got a package in the mail. yep, the guy from the airport came through.

it's great to risk on someone's good will and find out that it was worth the risk. so thanks to the guy at the dulles information desk!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


My apologies for having posted my pictures from DC on this blog. They were supposed to only go to my blog about me and Steve. Anyway, I ran across this article while reading Chase Jarvis's blog. I like learning about amazing people, even when they aren't flashing across the t.v. or the Times.

It's about a young guy ready to do anything to get the job done right and a lady who brought about goodness by just being around her. Check it out.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

the world's best energy source, kids!


Most children in Essam, Ghana, had never seen a merry-go-round until a BYU-led team arrived to install the curious device in their village. For more than 200 children, the installation day was memorable: not only did they take the new toy for a joyous, dizzying spin—or two, or three—but they also lit up their school with kid power.

“It’s a double dream come true,” says Monica Opare, founder of the Golden Sunbeam charity school, “because we are going to get equipment that the children can play with and then at the same time we are going to get electricity from it.”

“As children push the merry-go-round, it will generate electricity that will light the school rooms,” says BYU’s Charles R. Harrell (BS ’76), associate professor from the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. Harrell advised a team of five technology students who designed the device and then, with their Ghanaian colleagues, built and installed it at the Golden Sunbeam School.

The Essam merry-go-round is the first to be installed in a village where there is no electricity. The power generated by the merry-go-round is stored in a car battery that in turn recharges several dozen portable LED lights that can be used in classrooms and homes. To make sure the toy was easy to push and fun to ride, BYU students used a gearbox to multiply the rotation speed and modified the circuitry to limit power drained from the system.

“This project will enhance education by providing power for lighting, giving children opportunities for fun and also giving them a hands-on science laboratory,” says project sponsor Ben S. Markham (BES ’71), founder of Empower Playgrounds.

Ghana’s Ministry of Education has asked that six more merry-go-rounds be installed in 2008 to see if they can provide a viable power option for some 10,000 Ghanaian public schools that currently have no power source.

Watch a video of the installation online at

This article from: check it out for pictures.

Monday, August 11, 2008

blogging rebirth

I don't have a lot of time to post right now, but I think I've made it. I think I'm all done with school (waiting for one more grade to be posted). If I pass, I'm done with school!!!! Also means that I can start posting more.

Tomorrow, Steve and I are off to Salmon, Idaho, for a 5-day rafting trip. I'll put up some pictures when we get back.

Anyway, it's good to be back to blog.