Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Support the Effort

I get excited when I see major companies putting their money and support into real, good causes. Here's one that I've know about for awhile, but Steve just showed me the video on YouTube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=hibyAJOSW8U.


Unknown said...

I am so excited that you blog! Can I link our blogs together? Happy Birthday!!!!

Kjrstin said...

Sure thing. that'd be great! Thanks for the bday wishes!

Megan said...

Hey, sorry I am late, but I did remember you on your birthday. Happy birthday a few days ago. Hope things are well with you. That is awesome you guys did a triathalon. I think I would rather die. I went to visit your parents the other day. I haven't seen anyone of the fam since you were married.