Monday, September 24, 2007

Latex coated silver lining

My mom pointed me towards this good news moment.

A man chokes on an onion ring while driving, passes out, crashes car, airbag deploys, onion ring dislodged, man saved.

Read the article here.

Airbags do save lives!!


Unknown said...

Can this be true? Not to rain on the good news moment, but my mom just told me to move the location of the box of kleenex in my car (in the back window) because a man was driving and had was stopped very suddenly and the box of kleenex flew with such force into his head that he died!?!

Where do our mother's hear these things?

Megan said...

Hey, have you fallen off the edge of the earth? How is it going? Meg

Kjrstin said...

Megan, I back on the earth, but looking for a way to find you... respond to this (if you see it), so we can find each other... and play banker in the closet. ;)